Work with me 1:1

All Things Business

Virtual and in-person mentor sessions tailored to your specific business needs, ideas and goals.

Let's do this ā†’



Your two hour mentor session will allow us to focus on the area(s) of your business where you feel you need the most help - whether you have a business idea you'd like to explore or want customized help with your pricing, marketing, workflow, or anything in between. We will discus your greatest need(s) prior to your session in order to set a plan for your session.

It is my goal that you walk away from your session with clarity, excitement, and clear steps to execute your goals. One month after your session, we will check back in to see how things are going and if you have any additional questions after implementing what we discuss in your session. 


"I have already shared about my experience with photographer friends, and I highly recommended it! For three years I never understood what to charge. Katie helped me understand not only what my expenses are but advised me on what to charge. She also helped me with knowledge of how to handle higher end clientele, by improving their experience and client gifts."


"Katie is a natural educator and has the ability to break down the information in a way that is super easy to understand. After my mentor session, I feel so much clearer about what I want my brand to be and what steps I have to take to get there. My time with Katie gave me the push that I needed to elevate my brand and confidently raise my prices!"Ā 

What I want you to know more than anything else...

Success isn't one size fits all, and what one person defines as success may be someone else's failure. Defining what success means to you is crucial when planning short and long term business goals.

Is it profiting $200,000 next year? Great, let's build a step by step plan for that. Is it being more present with your children and spending less time behind your computer?  Awesome, let's set up systems and workflows to make that the upmost priority.

Just don't get caught up in what the world or our industry tells you is success. Your success can only be defined by you. 

What I want you to know more than anything else...

Success isn't one size fits all, and what one person defines as success may be someone else's failure. Defining what success means to you is crucial when planning short and long term business goals.

Is it profiting $200,000 next year? Great, let's build a step by step plan for that. Is it being more present with your children and spending less time behind your computer?  Awesome, let's set up systems and workflows to make that the upmost priority.

Just don't get caught up in what the world or our industry tells you is success. Your success can only be defined by you.  

"I continue to think back to our mentor session last year, and it seems the further I get from it, the more valuable."


Frequently Asked Questions 




  • Pre-session consultation via email andĀ questionnaire
  • Two hour 1:1Ā in-person or via zoom, tailored to your specific business needs
  • One month follow-up and Q&A via email

Let's do this!

Ready to get started? Just complete the form below, and I will be in touch within 48 business hours to chat more about your mentor session! Looking forward to it!