I'm here to help you craft a business you love and art you adore.

Well, goodness; I am so glad you are here! This is where you can find free tips and resources for your photography business!


I'm here to help you craft a business you love and art you adore.

Well, goodness; I am so glad you are here! This is where you can find free tips and resources for your photography business!

tips for capturing genuine moments and emotions for photographers

3 Tips for Capturing Genuine Moments and Emotions

Capturing genuine moments and emotions is a matter of knowing how and when to engage, and when to sit back, be a fly on the wall, and just shoot.


5 Tips for Offering Session Videos

Session videos were a game-changer in my business when I started offering them over a decade ago! Not only can they rejuvenate your creativity, they can increase your profit per client and help you stand out from the crowd! Here are my top five tips to ensure they are a success!

tips for photographers wanting to offer session videos
tips for photographers wanting to offer session videos

5 Tips for Offering Session Videos

Session videos were a game-changer in my business when I started offering them over a decade ago! Not only can they rejuvenate your creativity, they can increase your profit per client and help you stand out from the crowd! Here are my top five tips to ensure they are a success!

5 Things I've Learned After 15 Years in Business

15 years!! Cue the party music and confetti! In a way, this business was kind of like my first baby, before I even had babies of my own. ...And any seasoned mom will tell you...

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My Home Office

I have had seven home offices since I launched my business in 2008. SEVEN. That tells you how much we have moved over the years.  The three things I have found to be most...

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My 5 Favorite Work From Home Outfits

I often talk about my favorite outfits to shoot sessions in... you know, the ones that you can move in without anything showing, don't have you dripping sweat in the spring and...

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40 Spring Dresses for Your Family Session or Client Closet

Whether you are looking for a dress for your own family session this spring or are looking to add to your client closet, I've rounded up 40 dresses that would be great options!...

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Taking Your Own Family Self Portraits (and Branding Photos!)

I have been taking my own family self portraits since my first babies (my twins) were born. All the photos that hang on our walls are ones we took with just a camera and...

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