The Perks of Outdoor Newborn Sessions

lifestyle newborn session course

We are thrilled to announce that we have expanded our newborn course to include the magic of outdoor newborn sessions! We are so excited about it all, but let’s back up a bit and chat about how we got here shall we?

In-home newborn sessions are stunning, intimate, and hold such a special place in our hearts, but here’s the thing.. if you’ve been around here for a bit you’ve likely heard us preaching that “success isn’t a one size fits all approach”.

And if we are being honest with you (and we promise we always will be!) there were some growing pains associated with offering these! So we did what we would encourage YOU to do… we went back to the drawing board to figure out what wasn’t working! We went back to our success markers and the things that are most important to us, and after a lot of evaluation and some heart to hearts, we can to a few conclusions. Which leads us to this relaunch! So let’s dive in!

We love in-home newborns, but there were a few aspects that just weren’t fitting right! ...And when the pieces to your puzzle aren’t fitting right, that is a red flag! Remember, we need to think about sustainability here and what is going to keep us running a successful business for the long haul!

So what wasn’t fitting?! One of the first things we noticed was the drive time! We were experiencing significantly longer amounts of time invested in every session simply because of the time it was taking us to get there! Y’all know we are big on finding locations that are close to you so that it is easy to access and limits the amount of time you invest in each session!

But there just isn’t any getting around where someone lives! The only way to reduce this time is to limit the area you serve, and we hated the idea of losing out on amazing clients just because they didn’t live 5 minutes away from us! But if we could find a solution where they were 5 minutes away from us ... wouldn’t that be great?! Which leads us to our next point…

We were spending so much time driving to our clients' homes that we had to makeup for that cost by passing it on to our clients - which we hated! The industry is already getting squeezed from all the economics at play right now, so we were bummed to think of adding that extra expense in for them.

But if we were able to limit the amount of time invested in each session then we wouldn’t have to account for our extra time! It would be a great cost saving to our clients and keep us from pricing ourselves out of the "buckets" we want to stay in! Win-win!

And lastly, we are honestly just partial to outdoor photos! It’s what the Katie Lamb brand has been built on since it started 16 years ago, and, to us, there was something that just felt right about photographing a baby outdoors! The beautiful light, the scenery that doesn’t change with trends, real interactions that happen naturally from playing outside — it’s timeless, classic, and real. And we just love that about it!

So there ya have it… we added outdoor sessions and there’s no looking back! We are in LOVE with how they’ve turned out, and it seems our clients are too!

What do you think?! Are you here for it?  Do you want to know the in’s and out’s of how we do it?! The Master the Art of Newborn Sessions course isn’t just about learning new skills — it’s about transforming your business and elevating your art. By incorporating outdoor sessions into your offerings, you’ll have something unique and beautiful that sets you apart from the competition, attracts more clients, increases your bookings, and grows your business — ALL while cutting down on your session time! đź’Ą

If you want to learn more about what this course covers you can check out all those details here! We can’t wait to see you inside the course, whether you are taking it for the in-home sessions or outdoor (or BOTH!).



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Where photographers learn to craft a business they love and art they adore.

I believe in working smarter, not harder and having systems and practices in your business that allow you to do just that. From shooting in a way that doesn't chain you to your desk for hours editing, to increasing your profit per client, allowing you to work less and live more.

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