Not offering newborn sessions? Here’s 3 reasons you should!

business tips photography tips Jul 20, 2024
Three reasons to offer newborn sessions

If you consider yourself a family or motherhood photographer but aren’t offering newborn sessions, you’re missing out on a golden opportunity. Not only is it incredibly rewarding — I mean there are few things sweeter than a brand new baby! — but it can also work wonders for your business! Let me break it down for you with three reasons why you might want to consider offering newborn sessions:

1. Capture Clients From the Beginning: Meet the Family Right From the Start
Think about it—newborn photography lets you connect with clients at one of the most special times in their lives. You’re capturing the very beginning of a new family’s journey, and, trust me, they’ll never forget it. By offering newborn sessions, you’re not just getting a one-time gig; you’re building a relationship that can last for years. Those parents will come back to you for milestone sessions, birthdays, family portraits, and more. You’ll be their go-to photographer for all of life’s precious moments. Which leads us to point number two…

2. The Domino Effect: Book More Sessions
Once you’ve wowed your clients with gorgeous newborn photos, they’re going to come back to you over and over again! Why would they go somewhere else when you gave them such a great experience?! And guess what they’ll probably also do — spread the word. Word-of-mouth referrals are pure gold in the photography business. Happy parents will tell their friends, who will tell their friends… you see where we are going here right? Plus, when those babies grow up, guess who they’ll want for their toddler photos, school pictures, and senior portraits? That’s right—YOU.

3. Demand and Dollars: Increase Your Pricing
Last, but definitely not least …. Here’s a little reminder: high demand means is one of the factors that allows you to increase your pricing (and therefor, your profit!). As you establish yourself as the go-to photographer for newborn sessions, you’ll notice your demand rising. When your schedule is packed and your skills are in high demand, it’s time to adjust your pricing. Higher rates mean you can work less and make more, giving you the freedom to focus on what you love and deliver top-notch work without burning out.

So what are you waiting for? Adding newborn sessions into your offerings is a fantastic way to expand your client base, boost your bookings, and increase your income—all while capturing some of the most heartwarming moments imaginable. Plus, who can resist those tiny toes and chubby cheeks? Ready to level up your newborn photography and watch your business grow?! Your future clients (and your bank account) will thank you!

Check out our course, Master the Art of Newborn Sessions, to learn exactly how we do it!

Psst! We are getting ready to release a completely new piece of the course - all about photographing outdoors newborn sessions, and it’s so so good! Want the latest on course updates, sales, and offerings?! Sign up here!

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I believe in working smarter, not harder and having systems and practices in your business that allow you to do just that. From shooting in a way that doesn't chain you to your desk for hours editing, to increasing your profit per client, allowing you to work less and live more.

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